“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

- Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

Give yourself permission to live the life you’ve imagined.  Work with an experienced life coach whose time tested techniques will help you strategize for the future you want and deserve.


Contact Jackie for a free 30 minute telephone consultation to find out if coaching could be helpful for you.

(303) 815-6443

Life is a journey - Find your path.


Life Coaching

  • Are you satisfied with your life’s direction?

  • Ever wonder if you are doing what you were meant to do in this life?

Career Coaching

  • Have you hit a dead end in your career trajectory?

  • Does your current job no longer feel like the right choice for you?


Relationship Recovery

  • Did your last relationship leave you feeling drained or depleted?

  • Do you yearn to get back in touch with the person you were before the relationship?

Creative Coaching

  • Do you ever feel like your creative pursuits are a waste of time?

  • Do other peoples’ opinions affect how you feel about your creative expression?