Relationship Recovery

  • Did your last relationship leave you feeling drained or depleted?

  • Do you yearn to get back in touch with the person you were before the relationship?

  • Are you worn out and having trouble connecting with your mojo or sparkle?

  • Would you like to resurrect dreams you were told were a waste of time?

  • Does it feel like you may never be able to trust anyone again?

  • Do you feel unattractive or unappealing after being with someone who devalued you?

  • Are you confused or blaming yourself for the end of the relationship?

The journey out of a love relationship can be long and arduous.  Coaching provides a positive and supportive platform upon which to rebuild your life and resurrect forgotten dreams and plans.  Through specially designed processes, relationship recovery coaching helps you reconnect with your vibrant self, tap into your inner strength, reach closure, and strategize for the future you want and deserve.