Discover new Horizons

 From the Coach


Welcome to my website!  I’m glad you’re here and I’m excited to help you on your quest for a more fulfilling and satisfying life.  If you are like most people, you are probably wondering if coaching is really going to help you and whether or not the investment of time, energy and money will be worth it.  Only you can answer that question, but I’m happy to share my own experiences with coaching and why I decided to become a life coach.

Several years ago, during a period of personal and professional transition, I was feeling particularly stuck.  I was frustrated with the circumstances of my life and my frustration had stymied my creativity.  Without even realizing it, I had adopted several limiting beliefs that I played over and over in my head like a mantra.     My internal messaging kept me from making the changes I needed to make.  Fear of failure, fear of other’s reactions to my choices, and just plain fear of the unfamiliar kept me circling in place and my creative life withered on the vine.

I had almost given up, almost settled for much less than my dreams, and then a friend told me about life coaching.  She had been working with a coach and had had one of the most gratifying years of her life.  She had self-published a book, found a new job and launched an internet business with the support of a great coach who helped her get clear on what she really wanted, and then helped her strategize a plan to make it happen. 

Hope stirred inside me and I started shopping for the right coach, but the cost of coaching services was more than I was expecting.  I found a coach I really wanted to work with, but I hesitated when I calculated the cost.  Then I thought about the money I spend on restaurants, entertainment, travel, clothing, my hair, and my home and I made the decision to invest in my happiness, to invest in my future.

The coaching I received was well worth it, far exceeding my expectations.  Through specialized coaching techniques, my coach and I identified my limiting beliefs, worked through creative blocks and uncovered the path to greater happiness and creative fulfillment.  The coaching I received really did change my life.  Even now, I use the things I learned in those sessions almost every day. 

I was so inspired by the coaching experience, I wanted to help others through the same method.  Not long afterward, I completed life coaching training and certification and began life coaching others.  If you are ready to take your life from good enough to great, if you are ready to actually do the things you dream about doing, schedule an introductory session with me to learn how coaching can change your life.