Give yourself permission to live the life you’ve imagined.  Work with an experienced life coach whose time tested techniques will help you strategize for the future you want and deserve. 


Pursuing your true calling or your life’s highest purpose, is not for the faint of heart.  For many of us, even letting ourselves dream about a life filled with fulfillment and passion is scary, let alone taking the steps to actually have one.  Choosing a coach who understands the challenges, the fears, and the resistance to change along the way can make your coaching experience especially valuable.  

Before becoming a certified life coach, I morphed and redefined my own career multiple times trying to live a life with meaning and purpose while still paying the bills and caring for my family.  My journey took me on wildly diverging paths from singer-songwriter to law school graduate, from criminal prosecutor to wilderness guide, teacher and speaker, to health care legal executive leading a large team in a Fortune 200 company.    Each transition held new challenges and sometimes baffling choices and difficult sacrifice.  I know what it’s like to balance what you want to do with what you have to do, and more importantly, when you simply have to do what you want to do.  My personal experience with changing careers, co-parenting between two households, navigating relationships, all while fulfilling my own dreams makes me an ideal coach for anyone contemplating a new season in life.

My passion for coaching began long before my corporate career or any of my formal coaching training and certification.  For years I served as a wilderness skills instructor and guide for a Los Angeles based outings company.  I taught backpacking, mountaineering, and wilderness navigation skills to all levels of participants and led weeklong guided trips into the Sierra Nevada mountains.  It was during this period of my life that I discovered the joy of supporting people in the adventure outside their comfort zone.  I knew immediately that coaching people through personal challenges was what I was born to do, but it took years to get here. And isn’t that the case for most us?

If you are an aspiring artist or entrepreneur unclear about your creative vision or struggling to bring to life the creative dream of a lifetime, my personal understanding of the obstacles and challenges facing us when we dare to create allows me to effectively coach people through creative blocks, chronic procrastination and fear.  Years as a singer/songwriter in the LA music scene provided real life experience in meeting creative deadlines, balancing creative endeavors with the demands of everyday life and facing rejection of creative product.  I know firsthand that if your inner critic is the loudest voice in your head, it’s impossible to listen to your heart and instincts in the creative process.  Through the use of established coaching techniques, I will help you identify what’s holding you back and support your reconnection with your inner muse in a productive and soul satisfying way.

Whether you are in a career or creative slump, recovering from a breakup or divorce, or simply wanting to explore the possibility of greater fulfillment in your life, I would love to help you identify and reach your personal goals through life coaching.